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Best Sorcerer Spells 5e


Best Spells for Sorcerer D&D 5e


Sorcerers are some of the most versatile spellcasters in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, and their spell list is filled with powerful and flavorful options. But with so many spells to choose from, it can be hard to know which ones are the best. That's why we've put together this guide to the best sorcerer spells in D&D 5e, including expert-written advice on how to pick and use the best spells available to the sorcerer.

Picking the Best Spells

When choosing spells for your sorcerer, there are a few things you'll want to keep in mind:
  • Your character's level. Some spells are only available to sorcerers of certain levels.
  • Your character's subclass. Some subclasses get access to additional spells.
  • Your party's needs. Some spells are more useful in certain situations than others.
  • Your own playstyle. Some spells are more fun to use than others.
Once you've considered all of these factors, you can start narrowing down your choices. Here are a few of the best sorcerer spells in D&D 5e, organized by level:


* Firebolt * Mage Hand * Minor Illusion

1st-Level Spells

* Burning Hands * Charm Person * Magic Missile * Shield

2nd-Level Spells

* Crown of Madness * Invisibility * Scorching Ray * Web

3rd-Level Spells

* Fireball * Haste * Lightning Bolt * Polymorph

4th-Level Spells

* Banishment * Dimension Door * Greater Invisibility * Polymorph

5th-Level Spells

* Cone of Cold * Dominate Person * Hold Monster * Teleportation Circle

6th-Level Spells

* Disintegrate * Globe of Invulnerability * Mass Suggestion * True Seeing

7th-Level Spells

* Delayed Blast Fireball * Forcecage * Prismatic Spray * Resurrection

8th-Level Spells

* Dominate Monster * Feeblemind * Mind Blank * Power Word Stun

9th-Level Spells

* Gate * Meteor Swarm * Power Word Kill * Wish

